Bryan M. Li

Machine Learning Researcher
Biomedical AI PhD student at the University of Edinburgh

I am a 3rd year PhD student at the University of Edinburgh, under the supervision of Dr. Arno Onken and Dr. Nathalie Rochefort. In the intersection of machine learning and computational neuroscience, my research interest lies in the emerging field of NeuroAI. Specifically, I am interested in building digital twins of the visual cortex that can accurately predict visual responses to dynamic and natural stimuli. On top of my main research focus, I am also interested in machine learning for health, which I believe is an integral part of AI for good. Being part of the Biomedical AI CDT program, I have the opportunity to collaborate with doctors and medical practitioners to work on problems in medical imaging and precision psychiatry.
I am very fortunate to have been selected in the Enrichment Scheme 2023-2024 at the Alan Turing Institute and I will work at the British Library office starting in Fall 2023. I spent a wonderful summer working at the Statistics & Decision Sciences team at Janssen R&D, Johnson & Johnson as a research intern in 2023. Prior to my graduate studies, I was a Research Engineer at Huawei Noah's Ark Lab in Toronto where I was part of the computer-vision and human-computer interaction team. I received my undergraduate degree in Computer Science from the University of Toronto in 2018 in which I spent a wonderful year at AMD as a Software Engineer.

Please feel free to contact me if you'd like to chat!

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